Don’t Mention Bridget’s Rear (Commodore)!

At the 53rd Annual General meeting, as Bridget stepped down after two years as Commodore, Mike Chappell was elected to replace her (is that really possible?). The full list of members voted on to Council for 2005 is detailed separately

The subscriptions were raised as proposed, and it was noted that other clubs’ fees are typically 30-50% higher than ours.

The 40 % increase in NNDR is of concern and will be challenged at the appropriate time. Although we presently are granted 50% discretionary relief on NNDR, the possibility of obtaining 80% mandatory relief by becoming a Community Amateur Sports Club was aired at the meeting. It is clear that there are a lot of issues to address before firm recommendations can be submitted to the membership for approval.

Although the club is keen to use email as the cheapest form of communicating with members, it is not a requirement, and those members that prefer snail mail will continue to receive it.

The club continues to seek an 18′ committee boat to replace the stolen Bates, so if you are aware of anything suitable get in touch with Alan Nicholson or Mike Chappell.

Keith Thomas gave a vote of thanks to Bridget for all her hard work and successes over the last two years.
